Intuitive Therapy

Intuitive Img 1Think about the answers to these questions.

What if you could open a box and REVEAL the secrets of the inner you?

How would it feel to know what makes you tick, what makes you think the way you do, what patterns you may find yourself stuck in, and who you are?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know your other lifetimes and know if they play a part in this lifetime?

Understanding resides in the Whole Being.

I allow you to do just that and help you find the answer to those questions and more. I look at all of you. If anyone has listened to the documentary entitled The Secret or read books by Caroline Myss or Louise Hay, they know what I’m saying.

Being a medical intuitive, you can see within the whole person, including their emotional, physical, and spiritual self. You get the sense of who the soul is and who the soul has the potential to be. This understanding allows you to see where the soul finds itself on its path and how it got there in the first place.

The soul REVEALS information about how emotions affect your whole being. You will receive information on where those stuck emotions reside within the body and why. The soul tells you if there is stuck energy that has the potential to become a disease in your body and what you can do on your behalf to start getting better and healing on all levels.

Understanding of relationships between yourself and others will become apparent, and you will understand why you attract similar types of people into your life. And most of all, understanding leads you down a path of self-acceptance, self-love, and living your true self and in your power. Following this path helps bring balance to all areas of your life by making a connection, so mind, body, and soul work together as one.

1368029852Make the connection of mind, body, and soul.

Medical Intuitive therapy is a healing modality that focuses on an individual’s physical and emotional well-being.

As the therapist, I can help identify energy blocks through the physical and emotional factors that directly contribute to health issues. Intuitive therapy does not diagnose disease, but I may determine the location of inflammation in the body or evaluate the health of a gland or organ.

In addition, intuitive therapy validates strong emotions or traumas that impact physical or emotional health. Once we realize these traumas, I use energy work and counseling to help release the blockages and trauma, allowing the physical and emotional body to heal.

Let’s find ways to answer those questions positively. Medical Intuitive Therapy helps you physically and emotionally overcome problems that keep you stuck.

If you want to know more, contact me, and we can discuss how Medical Intuitive Therapy can help you.