Somatic Therapy – Mind-Body Connection

Finding the misplaced energies in the body is the beginning.

Your physical and emotional health become intimately intertwined in what’s known as the mind-body connection. Our chemistry and biology impact our moods, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. These combined factors play a significant role in influencing our stress and physical health.

Like all emotions, trauma can become placed within our physical body. The more we experience trauma, the more we experience the reoccurring thoughts, emotions, and trauma patterns. These emotions are energies lodged within the body that begin to build up over time. With the building up of these emotions, it becomes harder and harder to get relief from these emotions and trauma.

Reactions that occur from an overload of trauma in the emotional and physical body result from anxiety, depression, stress, eating disorders, and PTSD – to name a few. In addition, physical reactions can begin to develop in the body, leading over time to diseases like cancer, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, and heart disease.

By working with the mind-body connection and discovering where these energies are within the body, you can begin to transform and release some of these pent-up energies and emotions that create physical and emotional trauma.

Are you interested? If so, I can show you how.

1912074307Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

Teaching the skills of becoming mindful and meditation is essential to the healing practice. Allowing oneself to go inward and focus on the breath and the body while letting go of the thoughts brings calmness and clarity to the body and mind.

Much of my therapy focuses on practicing meditation and connecting with the mind and body. Through meditation, you will learn and feel the energy trapped in your body and how that energy correlates to your emotions. From there, you will learn how to release these trapped emotions. With mindfulness and meditation, and breathwork, you’ll begin to see your physical, emotional, and spiritual self-transformation.

Classes offered:

Women’s Healing Group – Encompassing the Power of You

Join us as you journey through a transformative healing experience. As we come together in a safe and supportive environment, you’ll gain insight and new perceptions of yourself as you begin to heal from stuck patterns and past traumas.

This group is for women who may suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, and feelings of disconnect from self and others. This class will help you become self-aware of the connection between your mind and body.

You will learn tools and gain insights into becoming balanced within your mind, allowing you to connect to more self-love, self-acceptance, and empowerment. As you balance the mind and spirit, you will begin the process of transforming into your true authentic self.

This class will include a copy of the book: There is Nothing to Fix by Suzanne Jones.

Meditation of the mind-body connection provides insights into the mind-body connection, breathwork, energy healing, and chakra balancing.

Class fee: $60 per class; this includes the book

Insurance reimbursement is also possible.

Please call for more details of when our next group will be meeting.